
Story Time about MOM

The Above books are some of my personal favorites about the relationship between a mother and child. (There are plenty of others too- that you can add and use to your story time.)

"My Monster Mama Loves Me So...let me tell you how I know." Such a sweet story about all the ways his monster mama shows her love by baking cookies filled with bugs, taking him to the swamp to swim, etc..." A very silly book filled with love.

What Moms Can't Do... is also clever in pointing out things we moms aren't very good at. Mom's can't wait to wake their kids up in the morning, we can't hear ourselves think, and we can't let go of a hug without a kiss or two, or nine. A very clever and funny book about things mothers aren't very good at. Sure to get some giggles.

The last two books are classics I have loved from my childhood. Are You My Mother? and Just For You.

To begin your Story Time
Start with a game of Simon Says or Mother May I?
- Playing a game will help get the wiggles out and help them with their listening skills.

Then read your selection of books. (More below)
After reading Just For You brainstorm with the children things they can do for their mom- to show her they love her.

Activity: Finger Paint- while kids finger paint pictures, take a child aside one at a time and get a good hand print on a single sheet of paper. There are lots of cute poems about childhood you can print with the hand print or simply use the hand print itself as a gift the child can give to his mother.

Here is the poem I chose but there are more at the site: Can Teach.

Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small,
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls.
But everyday I am growing,
-I'll be grown up someday,
And all these tiny hand prints
Will simply fade away.
So here's a final hand print
Just so you can recall,
Exactly how my fingers looked
When I was very small.
I love you!

( I printed this poem out FIRST and then made the hand prints with my little guys.)


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