
Pirate Story Time


Books for your story time:

Treasure Chest- if you have one great, if not decorate a tissue box

Trinkets for the treasure chest. (Instead of bags of candy- I made bags filled with POP cereal. They look like gold nuggets.)

Make picture clues for your treasure hunt. Simple pictures or TV, Couch, Kitchen table, etc..

Invite: Encourage kids to dress up for your Pirate Story time!

A few days before the story time event- I usually grab a container ( I have a specific bucket with handle) and keep it out and handy. Whenever I run across a toy, book or other item that would fit in my up-coming story time I place it in my bucket.

Right before your guests arrive- set out your clues- and hide your treasure box!

Let your PIRATES come in and play. Have any pirate ships, sharks and fish toys.

When all Pirates are accounted for- gather them around and read the different selected books below. The Silly Shark- really is a great Pop-up book. ( A real crowd pleaser.)

After reading, play Pop the Pirate. (The picture it's a fun game for preschoolers.. they stab swords into a barrel and when they hit the "random" hole the pirate pops out! )

Then have the children go on a TREASURE HUNT!
For the treasure hunt- use picture clues that lead your small band of pirates through your house and yard. You could include other trinkets to your booty- bubbles, rubber balls, POGS ( my kids are really into those now.) Whatever you like.


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