
Million Dollar Goal by Dan Gutman

Twins Dawn and Dusk Rosenberg live for hockey. Unfortunately their foul-mouthed grandmother lives with them and thinks they should be working or studying while their dad hates the sport all together. Luckily they live in Canada where it's pretty much unpatriotic to NOT like hockey, so regardless of their American fathers dislike of the game- they play and a lot of it. They can't believe their luck, when their dad gets family tickets to the next Montreal Canadians game. This could be the beginning of a dream come true or might turn into the biggest humiliation of their lives. Family tickets means…grandma is coming along....

Written in the voice of both twins- this is a funny book fulled with BOY HUMOR! (Be warned.)

Before the Book Club Meeting - ask each boy to make-up a jingle for Pirelli Pizza.
Snack: Pizza Party!

Activity: play floor hockey, roller hockey, or ice hockey- whatever is most accessible to your group. (Go to a professional Hockey game!)
Have a shoot-out where boys try to shoot a puck and get it inside a hole in a shoe box. (p133)
Play -Elvis songs- Love Me Tender
Host a contest in honor of Oma- guess how many M&M are in a jar and let the winner take the jar home.

What do you think about Oma? Why does she act the way she act? Is that a good role model for her grand kids or her fans? Is she trying to be a role model?
What can you learn from her?

Did you like how the story was told by both twins? Did that help the story move along? Was it confusing?

Were you surprised by anything in the story?
What was a funny part that you liked in the story?

Have you ever entered a contest? Would you enter a contest where you had to do something in front of millions of people?

Who or what disappointed you? Did anything?
Did something surprise you in the story?


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