
How to Train a Dragon by Cressida Cowell

Dragon Fliers (from Oriental Trading Company)
Brown grocery sack for each boy- Viking hat

Help each boy make a “Viking” triangle hat out of a brown paper bag. Staple “horns” (card stock horns) to the hat and write the Vikings name on it.

FEATS OF STRENGTH-- have the boys pair up and do these different wrestling activities.
Have two boys face each other and put their hands on each other’s shoulders. Draw a line in between them. Have the boys try to push the other boy and cross the line. Then next round- have them try to pull the other boy across the line.

Have boys face each other and hold RIGHT hands. Then have each boy hold his own left ankle with left hand. Boys try to get their opponent off balance by pushing and pulling with their right hands.

Partner each boy up and have them sit down, back to back. Have them link their arms at the elbow. Working together- by pushing on each others back- see if they can get into a standing position.
(More partner physical activities can be found in Cub scouting books. Wolf pg 39-45, Bear pg 131-135, Webelos pg 139-141.)

Once ALL the boys are in attendance and have had a chance to get some of their energy out… start the official ..

Thorsday Thursday Celebration!
How Many Gulls’ Eggs Can You Eat In A Minute?-
If you own a jello- Easter Egg mold- make Jello Eggs, other wise just boil regular eggs.
Ugliest Face Contest- Have boys take turns to stand in front of the group and make an ugly or silly face.
Final Initiation Test- Give each boy a Dragon Flier to decorate and assemble. Boys get to name their dragon and practice flying them. Let the boys throw their dragons and see whose can fly the farthest.

Have you ever felt like Hiccup?
What would you do to train your dragon?
What was your favorite part of the book?
What surprised you?
Who was your favorite character?
Did you enjoy the book?
If not- what would have made it better?


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