
Me and My Robot #2 The Show-and-Tell Show-Off

This is a great- EASY READER level 1 book.
written by Tracey West

As I waited for all book club members to arrive, I re-read Me and My Robot #1 and #2. We talked about their favorite parts of the books.
(I love reading these aloud and using a R-O-B-O-T voice for the robot. The kids giggle too.)

Then we played a game, Feel and Tell (instead of Show-and-Tell).

I had this box already made. (I use it a lot, in lessons, book clubs, etc- it is a favorite game.) It is simply a paper box with two hand holes cut out of it. (big enough to put hands in, small enough they can't peek)

They feel the object inside and describe it.
(Being careful to not NAME the item.)
I had a toothbrush, toy car, flash light, plastic dinosaur,
sunglasses- you get the idea.  
Then we made robots.
You need lots small magnets and
you need to raid your husbands tool box.
(nuts, bolts, washers, hinges, etc.)
You also need a washed out soup can for each child.

It was a really fun morning with these little guys.
As you can tell- they had lots of fun.


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